Enniskerry Parish
Request for Baptism Form
Congratulations on the birth of your baby!
Please complete this form. It’s the first step in registering your child for baptism.
When you have pressed ‘submit’ at the end of the form, you will receive an email confirming the registration. You will then be invited to call to the parish office to book the date of the baptism. Please bring:
- a copy of your child’s birth certificate
- the church offering ( Average 60 Euro)
The information you provide on this Form will be used to register your child’s Baptism and to complete the Parish Baptism Register, which is a permanent record. It will not be shared with any other person or organisation.
Baptism Request Form
Step-by-step Guide to the Baptism Ceremony
Baptismal Certificate Request
Step-by-step Guide to the Baptism Ceremony
Baptismal Certificate Request
Eucharist – First Holy Communion
Registration for First Communion for the parish of Enniskerry (all three schools)
A Journey of Remembering and Looking Forward
Registration for Confirmation for the parish of Enniskerry (all three schools)
A Journey of Faith Discovery for Confirmation

A Prayer for An Engaged Couple
Thank you, Lord, for bringing us together and for the gift of our love which has already brought us so much joy.
Grant that we may always continue to love each other with reverence, patience and generosity.
In the hurried days of the final preparations, grant us the calmness to reflect on the moment when you will seal and sanctify our promises, binding us together in your love forever.
In joy or sorrow, in richness or poverty, in sickness and in health, may our love grow all the days of our lives. Amen
Congratulations on your decision to get married. It’s one of the most important decisions of your whole life. Your desire to marry in Church is your invitation to Christ to be at the heart of your relationship. The Christian community wishes you every blessing and happiness.
We are delighted that you have chosen to get married here in our parish. We will make every effort to facilitate your celebration and to make your wedding day a very happy, holy and memorable one.
We have four beautiful churches here in our parish: Curtlestown, Enniskerry, Glencree and Kilmacanogue. Given their beautiful settings, they are all popular choices for religious celebrations and often get booked over a year in advance. Therefore, in order to secure the date you would like for your wedding we encourage you to contact the parish office to confirm your reservation at the earliest opportunity. The Parish Office will be happy to answer any queries you may have. For Enniskerry, Curtlestown, Glencree please contact Margaret at (01) 276 0030; For Kilmacanogue please contact Joyce at (01) 2021882
To assist you prepare for your wedding in our parish we have compiled a Marriage Booklet (see Marriage Documents section below). We hope that this guide will be of assistance to you in your preparation for your wedding day.
The priest celebrating your Wedding Mass will help you choose readings, prayers and The Rite of Marriage. We have compiled some Readings, Prayers and Reflections to assist you (See Marriage Documents section below).