• PARISH LOTTO NEWS!If you’re not in you can’t win!Click on this link to joinhttps://www.ourfundraiser.ie/org/enniskerryparish/ 
  • Technology! We really need a few younger people to help with technology in the parish. Contact Aideen 0868182241
  • A broadcast list for the parish is up and running now. This will be to keep everyone up to date with what is happening in the parish and for easy communication  in relation to building our communities. If you would like your name added to the list please contact Aideen 0868182241
  •  Rosary A group from the parish meets every Wednesday evening, on zoom, from 7.30 – 8pm, to pray the Rosary.   Please call or message Sally, 087 4189 338, to be added to the group or for further information.
  • A new Facebook page for Enniskerry parish is now up and running and looking for some followers! Check it here!  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085128168938