Holy Redeemer Parish
Many parishioners contribute to the work of Holy Redeemer Parish by their participation in a variety of different committees, work groups and activities. Those who participate and those who have done so in the past are a vital part of Parish life and are much appreciated. Many more volunteers are needed.
If you would like to join in the work of any of the Parish Groups listed below you are encouraged to contact the Parish offices and make yourself and your area of interest known. Likewise if you can only help occasionally you are more than welcome.
Children up to the age of 8 are invited to gather in the Side Chapel every Sunday morning with their Mums and Dads.
Explore the Gospel through songs, stories and games that the children can relate to.
We return to the church at the Offertory and join the main Congregation for the Eucharist.
The 12pm choir was established over sixty years ago and preserves a long tradition of choral singing in the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer, Bray. A number of choir directors and organists have been associated with this enthusiastic group of singers, including Leo O’Toole, Fr. Des Forrestal, the Murray family (including Seán P. Murray (Jack), Ciarán Murray and Rónán Murray, together with soprano Niamh Murray and Margaret Bridge.
Our current choral director is Philippa Bridge and the organist is Ben Blunnie. It draws on well-known church hymns. In the past when the choir was much larger, we performed live broadcasts of the Mass on both radio and television.
We are a congenial group and welcome all adult age groups to the choir. An ability to read music is not necessary. We rehearse every Monday night from 8-9pm, sing at the 12pm Mass on Sundays (with the exception of the First Sunday of the month) and take a well-deserved break from singing during the months of July and August.
At the present time, a volunteer looks after the Purifiers, Linens and Altar cloths for the Church
She collects and launders Altar cloths on a weekly basis
She heads other volunteers who would dress the Altar at special liturgies
Serve alongside the Priest at Sunday Mass.
Serve at special Liturgies or on occasions.
Serving during Mass gives children a sense of confidence, a better understanding of the Mass and an experience of being part of a team.
We are always happy to welcome new Altar Servers, so if you have made your First Communion and would like to join us please contact the parish office.
The Baptism Team represents the Christian Community of Holy Redeemer.
We accompany those who have chosen Baptism for their child.
We prepare meeting for Parents and Godparents where the Baptism Ceremony is explained with the use of symbols and prayer service.
We attend and assist Priest on day of Baptism.
We meet as a team once a month to discuss all Baptisms.
We socialise together as a team.
The aim of Bray Community Helpers is to give ‘ Care in the Community ‘ to those who need help and support to those who don’t have anyone to help them.
Drivers – there are many people who need help with shopping, getting to church or doctor’s appointments.
Company – Others need someone who will visit to sit and chat and bring them out for a walk or a drive.
Odd Jobs – Others may need help with small jobs in the house or garden.
If you have any spare time and would like to become involved, please call to the Parish office.
We are a group of musicians and singers, from different musical backgrounds. We play sacred music with an Irish influence as well as traditional hymns and liturgical music.
We play twice a month at the 9am Aifreann Gaeilge and at other church events. Our practices are held every second Friday evening. If you would like further information about the group, please contact the parish office.
The Church cleaners group are a Voluntary “Team” who always welcome new members to help them.
The purpose of the group is to keep the Church clean once a week, they do this on a Wednesday for one hour.
The group say it’s not hard work, and they get a wonderful sense of satisfaction in seeing the Church looking clean.
The Lord did ask to spend “One Hour” with Him. What better way than to help keep His house clean.
The coffee Dock provides Tea and coffee to Parishioners on weekday mornings.
It creates a sense of community and welcome in Holy Redeemer.
The coffee dock also provides a venue for families after Funerals to gather for refreshments.
The Flower group create all the beautiful floral arrangements and displays for Holy Redeemer.
They skilfully decorate the Church for Christmas and Easter and for all the special occasions in the liturgical year.
Through their work, they enhance and beautify our place of worship.
The current Holy Redeemer Folk Group was formed in May, 1997 and we sing each Sunday at the 10.30 Family Mass. Our repertoire consists of modern church music that has catchy melody, encourages participation from all and mixes lively tunes with the spiritual / reflective, catering for all needs and occasions.
In addition to Sunday Mass, the group also sings each year at the Purple House Cancer, Support Christmas Candlelight Service and at the Bray Lions Club annual Memorial Service.
During the past 10 years, we have also played a number of concerts in the church, raising over €20,000 for local charities.
Our funeral team was established in August 2010 and offers friendship and support to the bereaved family and friends.
The team members welcome members of the bereaved to the church. They ensure that they are comfortable, relaxed and assist them at both the removal and during the Requiem Mass.
The priests in our parish have encouraged us to contact and meet the family members of the bereaved in either the family home, funeral parlour or in the parochial house to assist them, their relations and friends to fully participate in the funeral.
We have a funeral booklet and we help family members choose readings, select symbols which would help them celebrate the deceased person’s life.
We have obviously witnessed some sad occasions over the years. Many members of the bereaved families have conveyed their thanks and appreciation to us for our input.
The parish’s Gaudium Choir sings at 12:00 Mass on the first Sunday of each month and on other occasions, such as 12:00 on Christmas Day and Easter Sunday and at the Ceremony of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday. The choir specialises in the great Latin music of the Church. It also provides the music for the annual parish carol service.
If you are interested in joining and you have a reasonable voice and can read music, please contact the parish office for contact details.
The Greeting Ministers are there each Sunday to welcome Parishioners to Holy Redeemer with a smile.
Together they fold the Sunday Missalette and put them with the hymn sheets for distribution at each Mass.
At the end of the Mass, they then gather and reorganise the missalettes and hymn sheets.
The Finance Committee of Holy Redeemer primarily oversee the day to day running of the finances of the parish.
Advice is available for planning for the future.
The Committee would not be able to operate without the high level of volunteers we have within our church we thank those who distribute dues envelopes, help with counting money and other day to day duties.
An integral part of the finances of Holy Redeemer are the Greeting Team who distribute the collection envelopes at every Sunday Mass.
This Choir leads the singing at the 9am Mass in Irish in St. Peter’s Church.
Traditional hymns ‘as gaeilge’.
New voices always welcome, contact the parish office.
Ministers help with the distribution of Holy Communion in the Church at all Masses on Sundays, Holy days and weekdays.
Ministers bring Holy Communion to the Nursing Homes in the parish on Sundays and also on some weekdays, as arranged with each Nursing Home.
When requested, ministers also bring Holy Communion to those who are ill in their own homes, or to those who for any reason are unable to attend in church on Sundays.
They also help distribute ashes on Ash Wednesday, during Mass in the church and in the Nursing Homes.
All are welcome around the table of the Lord, and pre-communion children, and those who do not wish to receive the Eucharist for any other reason, may approach one of our Ministers for a blessing.
In proclaiming the word of God, readers exercise their responsibility in mediating the presence of Christ.
The reader has responsibility for not simply reading the word, but assisting the assembly to hear the word.
The Ministers of the Word are one of Holy Redeemers largest Ministries.
Working on a rota basis, readers are rostered every couple of months to read at the weekday and Sunday masses.
Outreach at Holy Redeemer
South Sudan Link
Sr. Orla Tracey (IBVM) has established a school in Rumbek, South Sudan. Below is a link to a video which gives a great insight into the lives and hopes of the girls in Sr. Orla’s school. The video is taken from the DVD documentary ‘Mary Ward: Dangerous Visionary’ which is available to purchase for €10.
Mary Ward Documentary: Dangerous Visionary
Mary Ward was a divinely inspired advocate of a radical new way of religious life for women, based on the apostolic model first set out by St Ignatius Loyola.
If you would to stay connected with Sr. Orla and receive her monthly newsletter you can contact her directly at
Should you also wish to be become part of her monthly giving campaign you can do so by contacting her at this email address.
Congratulations to Sr. Orla on receiving the the 2017 Hugh O’ Flaherty International Humanitarian Award:
The organists provides music for our religious services and liturgies.
Our organists add greatly to our liturgies at week-end Masses, funerals and on special occasions during the year.
The parish pastoral council is a group through which the priest and people work together as partners in furthering the mission of Christ in their own place. It does this through building up a vibrant Christian community that is rooted in baptism and marked by its faith, worship and service.
With the launch of the Building Hope Initiative, Parish Councils are now working more closely together creating a Partnership Council. Currently Holy Redeemer and St. Peter’s PPCs meet together.
The council members are there in an advisory capacity to assist the Priest and help to plan for the future.
We follow the Dublin Diocesan Safeguarding Policy and ensure all parish activities and/or groups dealing with or involving children and vulnerable adults are compliant with those procedures.
If you have any concerns, please contact our current Safeguarding Officer:
Ms. Sharon O’Neill who can be contacted through the parish office (01 286 8413)
Opening of the Church at 9.30am and closing at 5pm in the summer and 4pm in the winter.
Preparing the Altar and Sanctuary for Masses and Sacraments
Looking after the Shrines throughout the Church
Stock control and ordering of supplies
Supporting the Priests of the Parish in various duties