St. Fergal’s Parish
Ballywaltrim, Bray
Welcome to St Fergal’s Parish, Ballywaltrim
St. Fergal’s Parish was constituted in 1975 from the parish of Queen of Peace. Archbishop Dermot Ryan invited the Franciscan Friars to undertake the pastoral care of the new parish. The Friars invited the Marist Sisters to teach in the school and to assist them in their pastoral work. The parish was placed under the patronage of St Fergal, an Irish missionary who became bishop of Salzburg in 767
In 1980 the present church was built, to replace the Nissen Hut church/school on Boghall Road. St. Pope John Paul II blessed the foundation stone during his visit to Maynooth the previous year.
The Franciscan Order handed the administration of the parish back to the Archdiocese in June 2000, because of lack of personnel. Since then the parish has been administered by diocesan priests
Here, amidst the tranquil embrace of our shared faith, we invite you to explore the profound sacramental journey that binds us together as a community. From the sanctity of Baptism to the solemnity of Matrimony, each sacrament holds the promise of profound transformation and spiritual nourishment.

Keep up to date with the latest news from our parish.

Many parishioners contribute to the work of our parish by their participation in a variety of committees and activities.
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Children’s Prayers Before Communion
Lord Jesus, come to me. Lord Jesus, give me your love.
Lord Jesus come to me and give me yourself.
Lord Jesus, friend of children, come to me.
Lord Jesus, you are my Lord and my God.
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
Children’s Prayers After Communion
Lord Jesus, I love and adore you. You’re a special friend to me.
Welcome, Lord Jesus, O welcome, Thank you for coming to me.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, O thank you for giving yourself to me.
Make me strong to show your love wherever I may be.
Be near me Lord Jesus;
I ask you to stay close by me forever, and love me, I pray.
Bless all of us children in your tender care,
and prepare us for heaven, to live with you there.
I’m ready now Lord Jesus to show how much I care
I’m ready now to give your love at home and everywhere.
Stained Glass Artist George Walsh visits St. Fergal’s Church
We were recently honoured by a visit to St. Fergal’s by Stained Glass Artist George Walsh who designed the Stained Glass windows in St. Fergal’s Church, the windows featuring St. Francis and St. Clare, the depiction of St. Fergal on marble at the back of the Church and the tabernacle door. We were indeed happy to see the original drawings of the window designs which he brought along. Art writer Finola Finlay was a member of the visiting party and we are grateful to her and to feature her article on him.
We thank George for the time he willingly gave us to talk about his artwork we are so privilaged to have in St. Fergal’s.
The bronze crucifix which hangs on the sanctuary wall is a gift to the Church of St. Fergal from the Archbishop of Salzburg, it was specially designed for this church by an Austrian artist, Josef Zenzmaier,
He was inspired by the violence suffered in Ireland, during the last century and during the ages of religious persecution to show Christ in his agony. The figure on the cross is still alive, the body twisted by pain, we are reminded that Christ continues to suffer in people today. How often have we seen bodies torn apart by bombs, bodies lying twisted on the footpath after being murdered, people writhing in grief because relatives or friends have been killed or injured?