St Valentine

St Valentine

Join us!To celebrate love for St Valentines day,we are inviting you to join us in St Mary’s at 11am onSunday 16th February. The mass will be focused on loveand relationship. There will be a short recommitmentceremony during the mass and, of course, tea and coffee andtreats after mass. All are welcome.

Please note that there will be no 6pm mass in St Mary’s next Saturday the 25th of January.  We are inviting you  to celebrate Breda Tuite’s retirement from Finance in our parish at 11 am in St Mary’s on Sunday the 26th (next Sunday),  to specially thank her for all the work she has done…

Cleaners Please!

Cleaners Please!

We are running a large fundraising initiative in the Parish this year with a substantial target of €150,000!

You will hear a lot more about this in the coming weeks.

Continuing to maintain the churches and grounds as they are into the future is going to be a huge challenge. Keeping the grounds alone in the beautiful condition they are currently in, costs a significant amount with regular cutting, strimming and tree surgery. The church structures are protected, and this makes the upkeep more costly across the board. The up keep of our cemeteries is also a concern with falling income.

Posters and flyers will be distributed and on view over the next few weeks explaining the necessity for ongoing structural maintenance of our church buildings and grounds into the future, to maintain the beauty and integrity of each, which is a much loved and valued feature of the splendour of North Wicklow.

Parish Registration

Parish Registration

If you are living in the Parish and are not registered as a Parishioner, you would not receive any letters from us, If you wish to receive items, or if you would like to receive the ’Parish Link’ newsletter by email weekly please contact the Parish Office. EnniskerryTel: 012760030 (10am- 1pm Monday-Friday)Email: KilmacanogueTel: 01 2021882…