Charity Concert

Charity Concert

A charity concert in aid of Acquired Brain Injury Trust was held in the St. Anthony Room, St. Fergal’s Church , Ballywaltrim, Bray on Friday 17th, November, 2023. The Trust helps people who have suffered brain injury and their families. Performers on the evening were Musical Director: Michael Byrne on keyboards, Anne Egan on Silver…

Concelebrated Mass

Concelebrated Mass

Concelebrated Mass and the Blessing of the Lilies on the Feast of St. Anthony of PaduaJune, 13th, 2023(Final Day of the Triduum)Principal Celebrant, Archbishop Liam Slattery OFM,Pretoria, South Africa and Fr. Jimmy McPartland, Co-PP,St. Fergal’s Parish, Ballywaltrim, Bray, Co. Wicklow